The Middle East's Leading Visitor Experience Practice


Why It's Time For The Middle East Signage Industry To Become More Sustainable.
Why It's Time For The Middle East Signage Industry To Become More Sustainable.

In today's world, sustainability has become a crucial aspect of every industry. As businesses strive to reduce their environmental footprint, the local signage industry at face value seems to have fallen behind.

Placemaking & Wayfinding for A Better Sense of Wellbeing.
Placemaking & Wayfinding for A Better Sense of Wellbeing.

As designers and strategists that are focused wholeheartedly on improving the visitor experience, our role sees us working directly on creating spaces for people to use, consume and enjoy. More often than not the impetus is on delivering design to improve the aesthetic values of a destination such as when we engage on public art programs and even placemaking. There is, however, a bigger yet deeper picture to consider.

5 Key Questions to Ask Before Undertaking a New Wayfinding Program.
5 Key Questions to Ask Before Undertaking a New Wayfinding Program.

For asset owners and operators in the Middle East, providing your visitors and guests with a positive visitor experience has never been more important than it is today. In this post, we look at 5 key questions to ask before undertaking a new wayfinding program.

Why It's Time To Start Valuing Expertise.
Why It's Time To Start Valuing Expertise.

A positive visitor experience is an absolute prerequisite for any successful destination these days. To achieve this, good design and a sound strategy needs to be adopted by the asset owner. Good design is outcome led. That is to say that when framing the success of a design or strategic solution, it is the outcome that the solution delivers that should be scrutinized when evaluating success, as well as when evaluating potential collaborative partners.

The Importance of Wayfinding in Retail Malls.
The Importance of Wayfinding in Retail Malls.

Good wayfinding signage in a retail destination is a key asset-management tool for retail owners and managers that can increase visitor dwell time, provide an uplift in consumer spend and contribute to the likelihood of repeat visitation. Despite this being the case, many asset owners still look upon wayfinding as either a luxury they can ill afford, or worse – a last minute add on of little significance to the overall success of their retail environment.

Is The Notion of Build It And They Will Come Dead?
Is The Notion of Build It And They Will Come Dead?

The Value of Repeat Visitation & How To Get It. What if there was a way to make them a next time not just a one time? Guests we mean. What if they visited your destination this year, then the next year and then the year after? What if they visited this week, next month and the month after?

Why Visitor Experience Is Key To Destination Success?
Why Visitor Experience Is Key To Destination Success?

As much as designers, urbanists, or developers attempt to re-imagine the needs of people in today’s contemporary urban environments, more often than not a lot of that planning is implemented based on commercial consideration and what developers think people want, not actually what they want or perhaps even need.

The Intrinsic Value of Quality Wayfinding.
The Intrinsic Value of Quality Wayfinding.

Throughout history people have gravitated towards town squares, their local markets and other public places. This is traditionally where goods and wares are showcased and sold, food displayed, made and consumed and bargains sought and offered. This was and still is the underpinnings of commerce and public life.

Enhancing Visitor Experiences Through Placemaking.
Enhancing Visitor Experiences Through Placemaking.

Why you can’t afford not to connect with your audience. Let’s face it, when it comes to attracting visitors to a destination, we’re in a time of rapid change and increased competition for consumer attention. Those that gain that attention quite often turn this into retention, but not always. That outcome depends almost entirely on the kind of experience that was offered to the visitor as well as the level of convenience and the easability in which the experience took place for your audience.